A reminder today: Saying ‘no’ is strong

Saying 'no' can be a difficult response.

We are not programmed that way. Especially, when our gender is so closely linked to being the nurturers, carers and people-pleasers. We have a natural inclination to want to be that woman that can do everything. Like superwoman.

One of my client's mentioned to me that she associated saying 'no' with weakness, which urged me to write this blog post today. For me, saying 'no' is actually a sign of strength because superwoman is strong AF right?

It shows that you are confident with who you are and do not feel the need to people please. Saying 'no' to your friend does not mean you are a bad friend. It is definitely a good sign of friendship if you can decline invitations because I am sure your friend would understand.

Even though we are coming out of the pandemic with hopes to unleash ourselves into the wild, please remember that your mental health, well-being and energy levels are absolutely numero uno.

Today I wanted to offer you some alternatives for saying 'no', to soften the blow of your polite decline :)

Instead of saying 'no I cant' - why not try:

1) Thank you so much for inviting me - I wont be able to come though as I have too much going on right now.

2) I really appreciate you asking me, but my time is already committed.

3) Thank you so much for considering me, but I am afraid I won't be able to help you at this time.

4) Thank you for asking me, but this event really isn't my cup of tea, so I am going to pass up on that offer.

5) I have actually promised myself I wouldn't take on any more time as I am trying to create more balance in my life :)

The above can totally be said in a work or personal situation and there is no excuse for the receiving party not to understand.

Please remember, saying 'no' is strong and a perfectly reasonable response for a powerful woman wanting to regain control in her life.

Nish x


‘I don’t have a passion?’


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